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TY 2019 ExpenditureResponsibilityStmt
Bay Area Barns and Trails
Grantee's Name Grantee's Address Grant Date Grant Amount Grant Purpose Amount Expended By Grantee Any Diversion By Grantee? Dates of Reports By Grantee Date of Verification Results of Verification
Tilden Wildcat Horsemen's Association
50 La Encinal
2019-06-15 5,000 BABT provided matching funds to benefit trails, including volunteer trail projects in the East Bay and around the Bay. 5,000     2019-06-15 BABT makes a limited number of grants. As a result, BABT is able to work closely with the Tilden Wildcat Horsemen's Association (TWHA) to ensure any grants made to TWHA are either regranted to public charities having missions that are the same as BABT's (in some cases, the regrant is to charities to which BABT also made grants directly) or used for projects which help to fulfill BABT's mission. Although a "report date" is shown above, the monitoring is really an ongoing, collaborative process.