TY 2016 InvestmentsCorpBondsSchedule
Green Bay Packers Foundation
Name of Bond End of Year Book Value End of Year Fair Market Value
Baird Fds - Inst'l Aggregate Bond Fund - 524414.425 shs 5,588,897 5,637,455
MFS Emerging Markets Debt R5 - 103017.49 shs 1,543,574 1,521,568
Pimco Commodities Plus Strategy Fd - 245123.128 shs 1,872,906 1,532,020
Vanguard S/T Bond Index Fd - 423280.963 shs 4,455,082 4,419,053
Vanguard Total Bond Mkt Index Fd - 85668.253 shs 911,963 914,937