TY 2016 InvestmentsCorpStockSchedule
Green Bay Packers Foundation
Name of Stock End of Year Book Value End of Year Fair Market Value
FMI Large Cap Fund - 88054.465 shs 1,675,385 1,831,533
FMI Common Stock Fund - 68111.588 shs 1,676,016 1,843,100
Nationwide Geneva S/C Gr - 36376.591 shs 1,467,995 1,842,474
Oppenheimer Developing Markets - 85030.483 shs 2,850,359 3,018,582
TIF Int'l Equity Ser Fund - Primary - 121362.628 shs 2,336,403 2,427,253
Touchstone Sands Capital Inst - 69753.74 shs 1,344,738 1,452,970
Vanguard Institutional Index Fd - 7086.479 shs 1,360,312 1,524,514
Vanguard Total Int'l Stock Indx Fd - 5689.934 shs 592,558 605,864