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Schedule I
(Form 990)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations,
Governments and Individuals in the United States
Complete if the organization answered "Yes," on Form 990, Part IV, line 21 or 22.
lBullet Attach to Form 990.
lBullet Go to for the latest information.
OMB No. 1545-0047
Open to Public
Name of the organization
Employer identification number
Part I
General Information on Grants and Assistance
Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of the grants or assistance, the grantees' eligibility for the grants or assistance, and
the selection criteria used to award the grants or assistance? ........................
Describe in Part IV the organization's procedures for monitoring the use of grant funds in the United States.
Part II
Grants and Other Assistance to Domestic Organizations and Domestic Governments. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 21, for any recipient
that received more than $5,000. Part II can be duplicated if additional space is needed.
(a) Name and address of organization
or government
(b) EIN (c) IRC section
(if applicable)
(d) Amount of cash grant (e) Amount of non-cash
(f) Method of valuation
(book, FMV, appraisal,
(g) Description of
noncash assistance
(h) Purpose of grant
or assistance
(1) Research Triangle Institute
RTI International
PO Box 12194
56-0686338 501(c)(3) 5,651,249 0     Sub-contractor for COVID-19 community tracing collaborative work in Massachusetts.
(2) Massachusetts League of Community
Health Centers Inc
40 Court St
10th Floor
04-2507409 501(c)(3) 3,998,780 0     Sub-contractor for COVID-19 community tracing collaborative work in Massachusetts.
(3) President & Fellows of Harvard College
1033 Massachusetts Avenue
Third Floor
04-2103580 501(c)(3) 906,353 0     UNITAID sub-grantee for directing certain aspects of preparation and implementation of endTB research at various PIH international sites and support for increased access to universal non-communicable disease care.
(4) Brigham and Women's Hospital
75 Francis Street
04-2312909 501(c)(3) 461,529 0     Sub-grantee for various health system strengthening projects in Navajo Nation and support for Hepatitis C research in Rwanda.
(5) The Regents of the University of California San Francisco
300 Frank H Ogawa Palaza
5th Floor
94-6036493 501(c)(3) 259,340 0     UNITAID sub-grantee for directing certain aspects of preparation and implementation of endTB research at various PIH international sites.
(6) Dine College
PO Box C-12
86-0215931 501(c)(3) 249,251 0     CDC sub-grantee for health system strengthening project in Navajo Nation.
(7) Summits Education
51 Melcher Street
47-2768711 501(c)(3) 200,000 0     To further education initiatives in rural Haiti.
(8) Healthcare Network
Collier Health Services
1454 Madison Ave W
59-1741277 501(c)(3) 144,651 0     J&J sub-grantee for support of expansion of mobile COVID-19 testing clinics in Immokalee, Florida.
(9) Healthcare Collaborative of Greater Columbus
AccessHealth Columbus
855 Grandview Avenue
Suite 210
51-0426050 501(c)(3) 99,967       Support for Audacious project to disseminate PIH's knowledge of contact tracing across the US.
(10) CORE Community Organized Relief Effort
6464 Sunset Blvd
Suite 530
Los Angeles,CA90028
27-1703237 501(c)(3) 97,730 0     To support the Reaching Equity through Community-based Vaccination Engagement and Resourcing (RECOVER) initiative to mobilize the U.S. public health workforce and accelerate vaccine uptake.
(11) Grassroot Soccer Inc
15 Labanon Street
43-1957920 501(c)(3) 75,181 0     Global Affairs Canada sub-grantee for community health technical assistance activities in Malawi.
(12) Montgomery Area Community Wellness Coalition
3060 Mobile Hwy
30-0092712 501(c)(3) 70,000 0     To support U.S. technical assistance work focused on the COVID-19 response efforts for vulnerable communities.
(13) NC Field Inc
327 North Queen St
Suite 306
27-4618713 501(c)(3) 60,746 0     J&J sub-grantee for support of expansion of mobile COVID-19 testing clinics in North Carolina.
(14) Episcopal Farmworker Ministry
2989 Easy Street
20-4942554 501(c)(3) 40,000 0     To support U.S. technical assistance work focused on the COVID-19 response efforts for vulnerable communities.
(15) Metropolitan United Methodist Church
3108 Rosa Parks Ave
63-0860335 501(c)(3) 27,121 0     Behavioral Ideas Lab sub-grantee in support of the Montgomery GOTVax program.
(16) Peace River Presbytery Inc
5600 Peace River Road
North Port,FL34287
59-2958426 501(c)(3) 15,000 0     To support U.S. technical assistance work focused on the COVID-19 response efforts for vulnerable communities.
(17) Coalition of Immokalee Workers Inc
110 S 2nd St
65-0641010 501(c)(3) 14,130 0     To support U.S. technical assistance work focused on the COVID-19 response efforts for vulnerable communities.
(18) Community Outreach & Patient Empowerment (COPE)
3710 Maya Drive
46-5551998 501(c)(3) 2,517,742 0     For various health system strengthening projects in Navajo Nation.
Enter total number of section 501(c)(3) and government organizations listed in the line 1 table ................. Bullet Image
Enter total number of other organizations listed in the line 1 table ........................ . Bullet Image
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990.
Cat. No. 50055P
Schedule I (Form 990) 2020

Schedule I (Form 990) 2020
Page 2
Part III
Grants and Other Assistance to Domestic Individuals. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 22.
Part III can be duplicated if additional space is needed.
(a) Type of grant or assistance (b) Number of
(c) Amount of
cash grant
(d) Amount of
noncash assistance
(e) Method of valuation (book,
FMV, appraisal, other)
(f) Description of noncash assistance
(1) Social Assistance 1 12,000 0    
Part IV
Supplemental Information. Provide the information required in Part I, line 2; Part III, column (b); and any other additional information.
Return Reference Explanation
Schedule I, Part I, Line 2 Partners In Health makes grants to organizations in partnership toward the common mission of breaking the cycle of poverty and disease. Prior to awarding any grant, the PIH grants management and compliance team reviews information about the potential recipient's internal processes for grants management and compliance as well as financial statements, audit reports and bank account information. On an ongoing basis, PIH finance staff reviews budgets, invoices and financial reports and perform periodic checks of recipients' backup documentation for ledger entries; PIH clinical/ programs staff review recipient's work plans, deliverables and programmatic reports.
Schedule I (Form 990) 2020

Additional Data

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